Anyways, the problem is not what you find when you search for manhood, but what it has come to mean. Manhood, like many other terms, has become distorted and perverted in its meaning and usage. If you do not believe in the power of a word, consider the N-word. This is a word that so oppressed a race of people, that they took on the task of using it to continue to oppress themselves. Manhood used to mean something of substance, and even though it only kind of does now, it has become slang for a man's Johnson, Wang, Rasputin, or whoever he wants to call his Peter.
Manhood is defined as the state of being a man. It is a state of being, not the dingle on your dangle. There is the saying to make sure you do not "drop the soap" in prison, or your manhood will be taken. This too is the wrong idea of manhood. If you apply this thinking to the gay community, then you are saying that they are not men. Is that true? To be honest, I would much rather have a devoted, self-aware compassionate individual on my team than a tiger-blooded Adonis warlock who loves and hates violently.
We reach manhood not through the knocking of boots, or slapping of skins, but through perseverance, and proving we have an unshakable determination. We learn to survive by our wits against the elements (camping), and bend them to our will (camp fires). We discover that we are good at some things, but not at others, and we do not cry to our mommies to force the schools or organizations to make us participate so we feel good about ourselves by having no winners or losers. We are prepared for the harsh realities of life is the safe and loving environment of our home by the man we strive to become one day... our fathers.
[Climbing down off my soap box]
Thank you for indulging me for a bit.
Solid my friend. That's great insight.